Dannevirke Community Board

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Dannevirke Community Board will be held in the Council Chamber, 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke on Monday 4 March 2019 commencing at 1.00pm.

                                                                                                                           Blair King

                                                                                                                           Chief Executive




1.               Present

2.               Apologies 

3.               Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes shall be set aside for a public forum.  Each speaker during the public forum section of a meeting may speak for up to 5 minutes.

Standing Orders may be suspended on a vote of three-quarters of those present to extend the period of public participation or the period any speaker is allowed to speak.

With the permission of the Chairperson, members may ask questions of speakers during the period reserved for public forum.  If permitted by the Chairperson, questions by members are to be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker.

4.               Personal Matters   

5.               Notification of Items Not on the Agenda

Major items not on the agenda may be dealt with at this meeting if so resolved by the Board and the chairperson explains at the meeting at a time when it is open to the public the reason why the item was not listed on the agenda and the reason why discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Minor matters not on the agenda relating to the general business of the Board may be discussed if the chairperson explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at that meeting, but no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer it to a subsequent meeting.  

6.               Confirmation of Minutes                                                   5


That the minutes of the Dannevirke Community Board meeting held on                4 February 2019 (as circulated) be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


7.               Matters Arising from the Minutes  

8.               Tararua District Council Report                                               Tabled


That the report of the Tararua District Council meeting held on 27 February 2019 (as tabled) be received.

9.               Reports from Board Representatives Appointed to Organisations and Assigned Responsibilities

10.             Correspondence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11


That the correspondence as listed be received:

(a)       Alzheimers Society Manawatu                                          24 January 2019

            RE: Thanks for supporting Dannevirke memory walk community event


(b)       Dannevirke and District A and P Association                   28 January 2019

            Re: Thanks for supporting annual show

(c)        Dannevirke and District Returned and Services              15 February 2019


Re: Request for financial assistance to support Hawaiian military band community concert





11.             Streetscape of Dannevirke Urban Streets (Victoria Avenue, King, Edward and Cole Streets)

The Board at its September meeting last year determined the proposed concept plan for replanting trees in Victoria Avenue, King, Edward and Cole Streets affected through the removal of London plane trees.

The Chairperson is to follow up this matter with the Community Assets and Property Manager to provide an update regarding that project.


12.             Anzac Day Community Concert

The Chairperson will discuss the proposed arrangements for this year’s Anzac Day community concert.    

13.             Chairperson’s Remarks

14.             Items not on the Agenda

15.             Closure




Dannevirke Community Board

Minutes of a meeting of the Dannevirke Community Board held in the Council Chamber, 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke on Monday 4 February 2019 commencing at 1.00pm.


1.               Present

Board Members W R Macdonald (Chairperson), P F Walshe (Deputy Chairperson), T J Hynes, K P Spooner and Cr C J Isaacson (Council appointed Community Board member).

In Attendance

Mrs T Collis         -        Her Worship the Mayor

Mr R Taylor         -        Governance Manager

Mr C Chapman   -        Alliance Network Manager


Mr R Harris speaking in the public forum

2.               Apologies



3.               Public Forum


Cole Street Traffic Speeds


Rob Harris expressed concern regarding traffic speeds on Cole Street, and emphasised the need for more road safety measures.  Accidents are occurring with a speeding car taking out a power pole, and there is a major primary school and church in that street.  

The only thing that slows traffic in this vicinity is the need to traverse the railway line, and an example of a vehicle exceeding the speed limit happened when the Deputy Chairperson and Alliance Network Manager visited Mr Harris to discuss his concern.


Rob Harris was shocked when moving to Dannevirke from Carterton in June last year and his car insurance premium increased by two dollars a month.  This was as a result of the higher number of claims received from Tararua district.


Rob Harris referred to speed data statistics received from Council to support his concern, and urged that a speed camera is placed in Cole Street and consideration given to installing speed bumps.


The Alliance Network Manager clarified the statistics cited by Mr Harris are from speed data taken from Umutaoroa Road, and Cole Street has not been identified as a concern to police or a high accident area.


An electronic variable speed board has been effective on Umutaoroa Road to address speeding issues in that location previously raised by residents and followed up through the Deputy Chairperson, and that option is to be considered for installing in Cole Street.


The Mayor indicated the subject of Cole Street traffic speeds will be discussed at this month’s Tararua District Road Safety Group meeting, and this includes community representatives from all towns, police, New Zealand Transport Agency, Automobile Association, Horizons Regional Council Road Safety Coordinator, staff from Council and Tararua Alliance.


The Mayor also spoke to police Senior Sergeant Jymahl Glassey regarding their systems and processes in place to respond to such issues, and noted they had not previously received any complaints about Cole Street.


The Mayor regularly liaises with Huia Range School, and the Alliance Network Manager will also contact the principal to see if she has any issues concerning this matter.


4.               Personal Matters




5.               Notification of Items Not on the Agenda




6.               Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Dannevirke Community Board meeting held on 3 December 2018 (as circulated) be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Hynes/Walshe                                                                                                 Carried

7.               Matters Arising from the Minutes  


Dannevirke Skate Park Project (Item 7.1)


Information is being collated to progress planning this project, and it is intended a meeting of the steering committee will be held soon to further consider the approach to developing this facility.


Electronic Promotional Sign  (Item 7.3)


The Deputy Chairperson is continuing to investigate the feasibility of installing an electronic promotional sign at Dannevirke Town Hall to advertise forthcoming events.


It has been ascertained the cost of possible options to provide an electronic promotional sign is up to $8,000 plus incidental expenses depending on size and design requirements and any consents involved.


The Deputy Chairperson is invited to prepare a detailed proposal to consider undertaking this project, including a quote to purchase an appropriate sign and complete its installation with approval from New Zealand Transport Agency and Council.


Consideration also needs to be given to how this project could be funded as it is not in the Council’s Long Term Plan, and whether the Board provide financial assistance to enable that work to proceed as a local project.


The Deputy Chairperson is to discuss the proposed project with the Community Assets and Property Manager as part of his investigations to progress the approach to take regarding this matter.


Community Walkway  (Item 7.2)


Quotes are being obtained by the community group to proceed with their project to extend the community walkway down Cole Street, and determine the amount of fundraising required to undertake that work.


CCTV Security Cameras at Dannevirke Sports Centre  (Item 7.4)


A meeting is to be arranged of the CCTV security cameras coordinating community group to discuss the possibility of installing this equipment at Dannevirke Sports Centre.


Ruahine Street Footpath Request  (Item 9.5)


The Deputy Chairperson met with the Alliance Network Manager to discuss the request to consider providing a footpath on the left-hand side of Ruahine Street.




Tararua District Council Report


That the reports of the Tararua District Council meetings held on 12 December 2018 (as circulated) and 29 January 2019 (as tabled) be received.


Isaacson/Spooner                                                                                            Carried


9.               Reports


Dannevirke Community Board General Assistance Grants Scheme


That the report from the Governance Manager dated 28 January 2019 concerning Dannevirke Community Board General Assistance Grants Scheme  (as circulated) be received, and

That applications be invited for funding from Dannevirke Community Board’s 2018/2019 General Assistance Grants Scheme, and

That the closing date for applications be Friday 8 March 2019 at 5.00pm.

Macdonald/Walshe                                                                                        Carried


10.             Reports from Board Representatives Appointed to Organisations and Assigned Responsibilities


Tararua Community Youth Services


Board Member Hynes reported Tararua Community Youth Services was involved with arranging very successful and well received holiday programmes.


Representatives of Tararua Community Youth Services held a meeting with the Minister of Health to discuss the pressing need for greater access to drug addiction and alcohol abuse rehabilitation support services in the district.


Tararua Community Youth Services will be vacating Carnegie Community Centre by 1 March 2019 and moving to the former Scanpower and Turfrey premises.


Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce


Board Member Hynes reported the forthcoming after five’s meeting arranged by Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce is a visit to Norsewear New Zealand Natural Clothing in Norsewood held on 28 February 2019.


Dannevirke and District A and P Association


Board Member Spooner reported Dannevirke and District A and P Association held its 109th annual show from 1 to 3 February 2019, and this event was successful and well supported.



Dannevirke Information Centre


The Chairperson reported the part-time assistant employed to provide backup for the Dannevirke Information Centre Manager has settled in well to undertaking this role.


Dannevirke Information Centre activities and functions are operating satisfactorily, and they are in a good financial position.






That the correspondence as listed be received.

(a)       Donna and Murray De’adman

            Re: Thanks for supporting Dannevirke community Christmas lunch


(b)       Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce                                       7 January 2019

Re: Thanks for supporting 2018 Mitre 10 Dannevirke                        Christmas parade


(c)        Rob Harris                                                                             21 January 2019

            Re: Cole Street traffic speeds


Spooner/Isaacson                                                                                            Carried




Anzac Day Community Concert


The Board agree to continue its support for arranging an Anzac Day community concert held in the Dannevirke Town Hall, and funding the associated costs involved.


The Chairperson will report at the next meeting with details of the proposed programme and arrangements for this event.

13.             Chairman’s Remarks


Dannevirke and Districts Expo


The Board will have a stand at the Southern Hawke’s Bay Federation of Women’s Institute Dannevirke and Districts Expo community event held in the Dannevirke Town Hall on 6 April 2019.



14.             Items Not on the Agenda


Location of Dannevirke Camping Ground Sign


The Deputy Chairperson will make a service request seeking relocation of the Dannevirke Camping Ground sign to assist in providing clearer directions to this facility.


Waitangi Day


The Board may next year consider if an event is arranged in Dannevirke to celebrate the significance to New Zealand of Waitangi Day.


There being no further business the Chairperson thanked those present for their attendance and contributions, and declared the meeting closed at 1.51pm.








11.1 Correspondence
1  Correspondence March 2019