Eketahuna Community Board

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Eketahuna Community Board will be held in the Eketahuna War Memorial Hall, corner of Jones Street and State Highway 2, Eketahuna on Friday 6 November 2015 commencing at 10.00 am.

                                                                                                                           Blair King

                                                                                                                           Chief Executive




1.               Present

2.               Apologies 

3.               Personal Matters   

4.               Notification of Items Not on the Agenda

Major items not on the agenda may be dealt with at this meeting if so resolved by the Board and the chairperson explains at the meeting at a time when it is open to the public the reason why the item was not listed on the agenda and the reason why discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Minor matters not on the agenda relating to the general business of the Board may be discussed if the chairperson explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at that meeting, but no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer it to a subsequent meeting.    

5.               Confirmation of Minutes                                                   5


That the minutes of the Eketahuna Community Board meeting held on 2 October 2015 (as circulated) be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

6.               Matters Arising from the Minutes  

7.               Tararua District Council Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10


That the report of the Tararua District Council meeting held on 28 October 2015 (as circulated) be received.


8.               Reports from Board Representatives Appointed to Organisations and Assigned Responsibilities

9.               Correspondence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21


That the correspondence as listed be received.

(a)       Kerry and Loreen Cunningham

            Re: Eketahuna Camping Ground September Report

(b)       Biddy Fraser-Davies                                       12 and 16 October 2015

            Re: Pop-up Cheese Seminar/Fest in Eketahuna


10.             Eketahuna Town Centre Upgrade                                30

Included in the agenda is a copy of the report from the Eketahuna town centre upgrade project team meeting held on 15 October 2015.

11.             Chairman’s Remarks

11.1           Events

The Chairperson will report on the following events:

·    Eketahuna Christmas Parade – 28 November 2015

·    Visit to the National Crisis Management Centre known as the Beehive Bunker – 4 November 2015

·    Tararua College senior prizegiving presentation – 4 November 2015

·    Tararua Alliance Sport Awards presentation – 16 October 2015

·    New Zealand Shakeout Civil Defence drill – 15 October 2015

11.2           Any Other Matters      

12.             Items not on the Agenda  

13.             Closure




Eketahuna Community Board

Minutes of a meeting of the Eketahuna Community Board held in the Eketahuna War Memorial Hall, corner of Jones Street and State Highway 2, Eketahuna on Friday 2 October 2015 commencing at 10.05 am.


1.               Present

Board Members C C Death (Chairperson), T J Hull (Deputy Chairperson), D F Eagle, S E Shannon and Cr T H Collis (Council appointed Community Board member).

In Attendance

Mr R Taylor         –        Governance Manager


2.               Apologies




3.               Personal Matters


The Board conveys its congratulations to the Eketahuna Our Town Committee on decorating the town’s giant kiwi in the All Blacks colours for the 2015 Rugby World Cup.


4.               Notification of Items Not on the Agenda



5.               Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Eketahuna Community Board meeting held on 4 September 2015 (as circulated) be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Hull/Collis                                                                                                        Carried

6.               Matters Arising from the Minutes  


Tararua Cycleway Project Proposal  (Item 7.2)


The Mayor and Cr Collis will be attending a meeting of the Tararua cycleway project steering group held on 19 October 2015.


Eketahuna Community Civil Defence Response Group  (Item 7.6)


Six members of the Eketahuna Community Civil Defence Response Group will take part in the bus trip to Wellington held on 4 November 2015 to visit the National Crisis Management Centre known as the Beehive Bunker.


Bee Aware Month  (Item 9.3)


Two packets of wildflower seeds have been received, and they will be spread in the Eketahuna Camping Ground and within the vicinity of the town sign at the entrance approach nearby the Eketahuna War Memorial Hall.


Brent Dickson Concerns Relating to Eketahuna Contractors Not Having the Opportunity to Quote for Council Work  (Item 9.4)


The Manager Assets Group is proposing to advertise for contractors to register their interest as Council contractors.


The Council will then hold their information on file, and it shall send out documents when work is tendered.  If they are interested in submitting a price to provide that service, and are a suitable contractor able to demonstrate the necessary attributes, then these contractors can supply pricing.


Community Newsletter Items


It was agreed that Cr Collis will raise with the Eketahuna Our Town Committee the possibility of changing the closing date for including items in the community newsletter.


Ideally the cut off time should be aligned to coincide following the monthly Board meeting, particularly given the need to regularly update residents with current details concerning the Eketahuna town centre upgrade project.


Eketahuna Public Conveniences Upgrade  (Item 9.5)


There was a problem with the pooling of water on the floor surface of the upgraded Eketahuna public conveniences, but it appears that the situation has improved to resolve that matter.


The broadcasting of Radio Eketahuna in the public conveniences is being monitored following concerns expressed regarding the noise volume.


Opening of the Eketahuna Inn  (Item 9.6)


The Mayor and the Chairperson attended the opening of the Eketahuna Inn held on 21 September 2015.



Tararua District Council Report


That the report of the Tararua District Council meeting held on 30 September 2015 (as tabled) be received.

Collis/Shannon                                                                                                Carried


Cr Collis gave a verbal report to elaborate on various Council matters and items from its September meeting.


8.               Reports from Board Representatives Appointed to Organisations and Assigned Responsibilities


Hukanui Reserve Board


Cr Collis reported that the Hukanui Reserve Board appointed a new chairperson at its Annual General Meeting held on 27 September 2015 in the Hukanui Hall.





That the correspondence as listed be received.

(a)       Kerry and Loreen Cunningham

            Re: Eketahuna Camping Ground August report

(b)       Biddy Fraser-Davies                                       8, 14 and 25 September 2015

            Re: Pop-up Cheese Seminar/Fest in Eketahuna

Shannon/Hull                                                                                                  Carried


Pop-up Cheese Seminar/Fest in Eketahuna


That the Board pay from its discretionary funds the cost of hiring the Eketahuna Community Centre as the venue for the Pop-up Cheese Seminar/Fest organised by Biddy Fraser-Davies, and

That the Board conveys its best wishes to Biddy Fraser-Davies for every success with the arrangements for this event held on 9 October 2015.

Shannon/Hull                                                                                                  Carried



Old Fred West Building


The Board is concerned about the poor condition of the old Fred West building as water is leaking from the verandah on the northern side across the footpath in the town centre.


This situation is unacceptable, and it will be reported for follow up by the Council to request that the property owner is required to undertake the necessary work to rectify this matter.



2015 Trustpower Tararua District Community Awards


The Board conveys its congratulations to acknowledge the success of the following Eketahuna voluntary organisations at the 2015 Trustpower Tararua District Community Awards:

·       Friends of the Anzac Bridge Kaiparoro Incorporated - Supreme Award winner.

  • Eketahuna Swimming Pool Committee - Sport and Leisure Category winner.



Eketahuna Town Centre Upgrade


The Chairperson commended board members on the presentation of the proposed Eketahuna town centre upgrade concepts plan to the Council’s workshop briefing session, and also acknowledged the contribution of Warren Davidson (the former councillor appointed to the Eketahuna Community Board) for his role in the process to develop the preferred designs.


The Deputy Chairperson spoke on the potential to provide novelty design toilet paper at the Eketahuna public conveniences as a unique promotion to build on these facilities theme as part of the town centre upgrade concepts.


The possibility of retrieving a fallen log from the river is to be followed up by the Chairperson if it is suitable to use in making the canoe for the town centre.


The Board looks forward to the Council pricing the upgrade based on the concepts presented as the proposed project, and proceeding to implement that plan to deliver the new design of the Eketahuna town centre.


13.             Chairman’s Remarks


Woodville Lions Track and Tunnel Gorge Walk


The Chairperson noted that the Woodville Lions Club had donated $8,000 from the Manawatu Gorge track and tunnel walk to support the Arohanui Hospice in Palmerston North, and he acknowledged this fantastic outcome.

14.             Items not on the Agenda






There being no further business the Chairperson thanked those present for their attendance and contributions, and declared the meeting closed at 12.10 pm.








7.1 Tararua District Council
1  Tararua District Council Minutes 28 October 2015


Minutes of a meeting of the Tararua District Council held in the Council Chamber, 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke on Wednesday 28 October 2015 commencing at 1.05 pm.


1.               Present

His Worship the Mayor – Mr R A Ellis, Crs W H Keltie (Deputy Mayor), T H Collis (from item 10.1.6), J E Crispin, K R Fenemor, S A Hull, C J Isaacson and D A Roberts.

In Attendance

Mr B King               -    Chief Executive

Mr R Taylor           -    Governance Manager

Mr P Wimsett        -    Manager Strategy and District Development

Mr R Suppiah        -    Chief Financial Officer and Acting Regulatory Manager

Mrs L Simpkin        -    Economic Development and Communications Manager

Mr C Edsall            -    Alliance Manager

Others as detailed for specific items


2.               Council Prayer


The Mayor opened the meeting with the Council Prayer.

3.               Apologies


That an apology be received  from Cr T H Collis for lateness to the meeting.

Mayor Ellis/Cr Crispin                                                                                     Carried

4.               Notification of Items Not on the Agenda



5.               Declarations of Conflicts of Interest in Relation to this Meeting’s Items of Business




6.               Personal Matters


World War Two veteran Jack Martin was honoured with a military ceremony at Waireka Home in Pahiatua to celebrate his 100th birthday.


Peter Johns is the successful candidate in the by-election to fill the extraordinary vacancy of district councillor for the South Tararua ward.



7.               Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 30 September 2015 (as circulated) be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Crs Roberts/Fenemor                                                                                      Carried


8.                Any Matters Arising from the Minutes not otherwise dealt with in the Agenda




9.                Community Boards and Community Committees Reports


Dannevirke Community Board


That the report of the Dannevirke Community Board meeting held on 5 October 2015 (as circulated) be received.

Crs Hull/Isaacson                                                                                             Carried


New Zealand Pony Club Dressage Championships

The Board’s decision to support the New Zealand Pony Club Dressage Championships was noted relative to the holding of this event in the district.


Fencing at the Dannevirke Railway Station

The poor condition of the Dannevirke Railway Station fencing is a concern, particularly in Grey Street where it is extremely dangerous.


Cleanliness of the Dannevirke Central Business District

The emphasis placed on working with the Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce to encourage shop and business owners in the Dannevirke central business district to keep the appearance of the paving outside their premises clean and tidy was commended.



Eketahuna Community Board


That the report of the Eketahuna Community Board meeting held on 2 October 2015 (as circulated) be received.

Crs Hull/Isaacson                                                                                             Carried



Pahiatua On Track


That the reports of the Pahiatua On Track meetings held on 30 September 2015 (as circulated) be received.

Crs Hull/Isaacson                                                                                             Carried


Bruce Lea Community Service Award

The presentation of the community service award to Bruce Lea was a wonderful and enjoyable occasion to recognise his significant contribution as the Cinema Manager of the Regent Theatre in Pahiatua.



Woodville Districts' Vision


That the report of the Woodville Districts’ Vision meeting held on 6 October 2015 (as circulated) be received.

Crs Hull/Isaacson                                                                                             Carried


Christmas Decorations

Woodville Districts’ Vision are still considering appropriate options for replacing the existing lights and flags in Woodville.


10.             Reports



Adoption of the 2014/15 Annual Report


The Mayor welcomed Megan Wassilieff and Amy Soper from Audit New Zealand to the meeting, and invited them to address the Council.


Megan Wassilieff spoke on the outcome of the audit, and her comments included reference to the following matters:

·     The Council needs to ensure its readiness for the audit through having the necessary systems and resources in place.

·     The level of the capital expenditure budgets carry forwards needs reducing by the end of next year.

·     Project and contract management monitoring is to be kept under review.

·     An unmodified audit opinion will be issued in respect of the audit report.


The Chief Financial Officer elaborated on the Council’s end of financial year position and the variances reflected in the results achieved as at 30 June 2015.



It was noted that the Council is not required to prepare consolidated financial statements relative to Infracon Limited (in liquidation), and therefore an unmodified audit opinion will be issued.


Cr Collis entered the meeting at 1.25 pm.


The Mayor conveyed his thanks to the Chief Financial Officer and all staff involved in completing the Annual Report, and he acknowledged the assistance given by portfolio holders.


The Chief Executive spoke on the emphasis given to implementing the Council’s processes and procedures to prevent fraud and strengthening its internal control system for undertaking project management.


As noted from the audit the Council needs adequate staffing resources to deliver the work concerning the financial management of its activities and performance.  Therefore, an additional staff member is required for this purpose, with a budget proposal to be presented for the Council’s consideration through the 2016/2017 Draft Annual Plan process.


That the report from the Chief Financial Officer dated 20 October 2015 concerning the adoption of the 2014/15 Annual Report (as circulated) be received, and

That the Council confirms and approves the carry over of $4,111,000 for capital budgets to be spent in the 2015/16 financial year, and

That the audited Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015 be adopted subject to the correction of any typographical errors.

Crs Hull/Crispin                                                                                                Carried


The Mayor thanked the representatives from Audit New Zealand for attending the meeting to present the audit report.



Grant Application of  Rachel Cannon to the International Representatives Scheme


That the report from the Recreation Officer Sport Tararua dated 21 October 2015 concerning the grant application of Rachel Cannon to the International Representatives Scheme  (as circulated) be received, and

That the Council approves the application made by Rachel Cannon for assistance towards her costs to represent New Zealand at the International Mounted Games Under 17 World Team Championships held in Ocala, Florida, United States of America from 23 to 29 November 2015, and

That the sum of $800.00 be granted from the International Representatives Scheme for this purpose.

Crs Isaacson/Collis                                                                                           Carried



Review of Representation Arrangements


That the report from the Governance Manager dated 20 October 2015 concerning the review of representation arrangements  (as circulated) be received, and

That the Council notes the outcome of the consultation on the initial representation arrangements proposal for the district resulted in no changes being requested to the existing basis, with the one submission forwarded favouring the continuation of the status quo, and

That the Council, having considered this submission and the matters required in undertaking the review of the representation arrangements for the district, adopts its initial proposal as the final proposal set out hereunder:

That for the 2016 local authority elections of the Tararua District Council and the district’s two community boards the existing arrangements be retained as follows:


Council Representation


·    Two wards (North and South) with four members each and a Mayor elected at large


·    The two wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:


North Tararua Ward


Dannevirke and the surrounding rural areas, including Norsewood, Ormondville, Weber, Herbertville, Pongaroa and Akitio


South Tararua Ward


Woodville, Pahiatua, Eketahuna and the surrounding rural areas, including Mangatainoka, Makuri, Tiraumea and Alfredton


The population that each member will represent is as follows:


(2014 estimate) Population


Population Per Member

North Tararua

South Tararua










These population ratios fall within the range of 2,171 (1,954 to 2,388) in respect of the +/- 10% rule of the Local Electoral Act 2001.



The Council considers that this ward arrangement for its representation based on the above is appropriate for the following reasons:


·     That the two ward, eight councillors system provides a fair system of representation for the Tararua district.

·     That the communities of interest in the context of the Tararua district are effectively represented through the existing ward boundaries, and take into account the distinct outlying rural areas that are isolated.

·     That the ward boundaries coincide with boundaries of mesh blocks and community boundaries so far as is practicable.

·     That any alterations to change ward boundaries have not been requested by the community through submissions to the initial proposal, thereby indicating general satisfaction with the basis of these arrangements.

Community Board Representation


·     Two community boards (Dannevirke and Eketahuna) each with four elected members and one Council appointed member

·     The two community boards reflect the following identified communities of interest,  and will not be subdivided for electoral purposes:


Dannevirke Community Board


Dannevirke and the surrounding rural areas, including Norsewood, Ormondville, Weber, Herbertville, Pongaroa and Akitio


Eketahuna Community Board


Eketahuna and the surrounding rural areas, including Tiraumea, Alfredton, Hamua, Hukanui, Nireaha, Rongomai, Putara, Rongokako, Kaiparoro and Newman


Crs Fenemor/Collis                                                                                           Carried



Road Closures Requested Under the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974


That the report from the Alliance Manager dated 21 October 2015 concerning  road closures applications under the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974 (as circulated) be received, and

That pursuant to Section 342 (1) (b) and the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, the Council resolves to close the following roads for the purpose of allowing the Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce, Woodville Districts’ Vision, Pahiatua On Track and the Eketahuna Our Town Committee to hold community Christmas events as follows:

Dannevirke Christmas Parade

Road name:                Stanley Street, from London Street to Miller Street (State Highway 2)

Road name:                High Street, from Miller Street to Swinburn Street (State Highway 2)

Date of closure:          Saturday 5 December 2015

Period of closure:       12.00pm to 1.30pm

Woodville Christmas Parade

Road name:                Vogel Street, from Fergusson Street to Ross Street (State Highways 2 and 3)

Road name:                Fergusson Street, from Vogel Street to Pollen Street

Road name:                Grey Street, from Pollen Street to Atkinson Street

Road name:                McLean Street, from Vogel Street to Atkinson Street

Road name:                Ormond Street, from Pollen Street to Atkinson Street

Date of closure:          Saturday 12 December 2015

Period of closure:       11.30am to 1.00pm

Road name:                Ormond Street, from Vogel Street to Bowen Street

Road name:                Pollen Street, from McLean Street to Ross Street

Road name:                Bowen Street, from McLean Street to Ross Street

Date of closure:          Saturday 12 December 2015

Period of closure:       7.00am to 2.00pm

Pahiatua Christmas Parade

Road name:                Main Street, from Dawson and Edward Streets to Churchill and George Streets respectively (State Highway 2)

Date of closure:          Saturday 5 December 2015

Period of closure:       11.30am to 1.00pm

Pahiatua Christmas Festival

Road name:                Main Street, from Wakeman and Tui Streets to Princess Street and Mangahao Road respectively (State Highway 2)

Date of closure:          Sunday 13 December 2015

Period of closure:       1.00pm to 4.00pm

Eketahuna Christmas Parade

Road name:                Main Street, from Bengston Street to Church Street (State Highway 2)

Date of closure:          Saturday 28 November 2015

Period of closure:       11.00am to 1.00pm

Crs Hull/Keltie                                                                                                  Carried



Eketahuna Town Centre Upgrade


That the report of the Eketahuna town centre upgrade project team meeting held on 15 October 2015 (as circulated) be received.

Crs Collis/Hull                                                                                                  Carried



Request to Waive Resource Consent Fees


That the report from the Planning Manager dated 20 October 2015 concerning a request to waive resource consent fees (as circulated) be received, and

That the Council waives the resource consent application and associated fees for Norsewood Heritage Limited to build a proposed retaining wall located at 79 Hovding Street, Norsewood, thereby acknowledging the historic, artistic, ecological and educational benefits of the project it is associated with.

Crs Collis/Crispin                                                                                              Carried



Planning Matters Determined Under Delegated Authority


That the report from the Planning Manager dated 22 October 2015 concerning Planning matters determined under delegated authority (as circulated) be received and the contents are noted.

Crs Isaacson/Collis                                                                                           Carried



Liquor Licensing Matters Determined Under Delegated Authority


That the report from the Liquor Licensing Officer dated 22 October 2015 concerning Liquor Licensing matters determined under delegated authority (as circulated) be received and the contents are noted.

Crs Isaacson/Collis                                                                                           Carried



Staff Report


Woodville Wastewater Pond

The treatment of the whales that have appeared in the liner of the Woodville pond is likely to cause additional costs to be incurred by the Council to fix the problem.

The reason for this situation is that the ground water level underneath the pond is forcing the methane gas up, resulting in these whales appearing above the water.

As a consequence the gas cannot disperse out of the vents on the outer edge of the pond lining.


Pahiatua Recycling Centre

The Pahiatua Recycling Centre is nearing completion, and the new facility is looking really good.


Dannevirke Dog Pound

General support was expressed that the contract for building the new dog pound at Dannevirke is determined through a registration of interest process as provided in the Council’s Procurement Strategy.


International Local Government ICMA Conference

The Manager Strategy and District Development was congratulated on being asked to make a presentation regarding rural broadband at the Local Government ICMA Conference.


Animal Control

The  Cadet Animal Control Officer, Nisan Stephens was introduced to the Council.



The attendance at the Auckland Home Show appears to be creating interest in attracting people to the district.


Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Growth Strategy

The Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Growth Strategy will be presented to the Council’s workshop briefing session held on 25 November 2015.


Developing New Business Potential

The Tararua Business Hub is changing its name to Tararua Business Network, with signage and all communication connections being updated to reflect the name change.

This will overcome the confusion that is occurring with the identity of the Tararua Business Hub and the Dannevirke Christian Fellowship the Hub.


Rubbish Dumped in State Highway Rest Areas

The dumping of rubbish in state highway rest areas and their refuse bins is an ongoing problem for the New Zealand Transport Agency contractors to pursue.


Pahiatua Community Civil Defence Response Group

It is anticipated that the Pahiatua Community Civil Defence Response Group Plan will be completed for signing off by January/February next year.



2015 Tararua Alliance Sport Awards

Thanks have been conveyed to the Sport Manawatu Chief Executive and the Recreation Officer Sport Tararua for organising the very successful and enjoyable 2015 Tararua Alliance Sport Awards.


Creative Communities Fund

It is requested that the Creative Communities Fund be actively promoted to ensure the availability of this funding is maximised for the benefit of the district.


That the report from the Chief Executive dated 22 October 2015 concerning an update on key projects and items of interest to the Council (as circulated) be received.

Crs Hull/Isaacson                                                                                             Carried


11.             Portfolio Reports


Project Tararua


Cr Isaacson reported on the Project Tararua meetings that she attended to discuss the upgrading of rental housing standards in the district.


Regional Territorial Authorities Forum 2015


Cr Collis reported on the Regional Territorial Authorities Forum concerning changing the perception of the Manawatu-Whanganui Region.


The matters that were the subject of presentations at this forum included the following:

·     Update on the Regional Growth Strategy by Geoff Henley and John Hutchings

·     Lead for tribal economies Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu by Che Wilson


The forum focused on the region’s potential for economic development and the implementation of the Regional Growth Strategy to unlock the opportunities.


One Plan


Cr Collis attended a meeting this morning at the Horizons Regional Council regarding the implementation of the One Plan.


Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Disaster Relief Fund Trust


Cr Hull attended a meeting of the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Disaster Relief Fund Trust that continues to grant the funding available to assist areas recovering from the flooding event.



12.             Mayoral Matters


Eastern Institute of Technology Building and Carpentry Construction Foundation Training Programme


The Mayor reported that the Eastern Institute of Technology is again providing to students in the district a further building and carpentry construction foundation training programme.


13.             Items not on the Agenda







There being no further business the Mayor thanked those present for their attendance and contributions, and declared the meeting closed at 2.30 pm.








9.1 Correspondence
1  Correspondence










10 Eketkahuna Town Centre Upgrade
1  Eketahuna Town Centre Upgrade